Monday, January 17, 2011

Escaping the Cube

Several years ago a film came out on the SCIFI channel simply called "Cube".  Brilliant film.

I don't want to give away anything to those that who have not seen it but the film asks the question, what is the purpose of THE CUBE?  The answer, THE CUBE's only purpose is to be.  It is now a living, breathing entity that cannot be shut off.  THE CUBE decides whether you live or die and how you will live your life.  There is no escaping from THE CUBE.  Attempting escape will surely mean your demise for THE CUBE is the answer to all.

We have created THE CUBE.  It is not something that we knew we were creating when we had done so because each of us has built a small component of THE CUBE that has allowed it to be.  We manufactured our small piece for monetary, political, or social gain and put it in its place so that it is now a part of THE CUBE.

We feed THE CUBE.  We give it sustenance by our gross materialism.  We have let THE CUBE grow through our mass consumerism of worthless products that THE CUBE tells us that we need.   We oil its jaws daily and then feed it with the blood of our children because THE CUBE promises us protection from the wolves scratching at the door if we do this.

We have allowed THE CUBE to destroy our lands through mass production all in the name of progress, technological advancements and the betterment of society.  For if society is made better so is made THE CUBE.

We have no fear of things going wrong.  THE CUBE will be the answer to all our problems.  The inert mass of people will no longer have to say "someone should do something" or "something must be done".  THE CUBE will have done it already.

Some may decide to try and escape THE CUBE.  This will take immense amounts of strength, initative, strong will power and will be a constant struggle. They will find no one to lead the way or anyone to give them incentives.  There will be a constant calling to return to THE CUBE from those who live inside THE CUBE.  A tactic to create fear within the individual that they cannot live outside of THE CUBE.

We must break free from the restraints of THE CUBE and rise above the politics of THE CUBE that was designed to divide and conquer us. We must break free from the monetary system of THE CUBE that has boxed us in and attempted to enslave us. 

I believe it is time to escape THE CUBE. 

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