Saturday, February 5, 2011

An American Werewolf in Indiana


Sitting around in the late afternoon I had to remove my leg bandages which were extremely painful to do so since some of the scabbing had dried to the dressing and became downright unpleasant to remove.  Which brought me to a place a rarely go.  Howling in EXTREME pain, something I rarely do.  3 broken noses, two broken fingers, a large gash on my forehead from a fight, appendix removal, cutting off a large part of my thumb, and numerous other cuts and bruises never felt nearly as painful as my skin being pulled off my body.

The howling of pain sounded to me exactly like the werewolf in "American Werewolf in London."  Which brings me to yep you guessed it sitting down to watch that film.

John Landis wrote and directed this incredible awesome film but the real star of the film goes to the make-up effects created by Rick Baker for which he won an oscar.

Now all that being said brings me to my original intention.  Call me crazy but the transformation from man to werewolf in this film, while looking extremely painful, looks like something that I would personally love to experience. Call me a masochist if you will but to me such a transformation would be something I would liken to being born.  The tranformation of bone structure, muscle tissue, body and facial features not to mention the transformation of the mind from man to animal would go beyond a pleasurable experience.  

Though many things are possible through projection of the mind and spirit I still find it difficult to comprehend the experience of such a transformation.  There is so much about the human mind that we are unaware of or are afraid to explore.  This fear of the unknown is a barrier that needs to be broken down and overcome. The need to take a risk and go beyond the limits of "normal" behavior as humans can be a great learning experience and give us much inner strength.  Crossing these barriers may seem unpleasant, even painful but doing so allows us to know ourselves and explore the gifts the Gods have given us.

1 comment:

  1. Rick Baker, pretty awesome...Do you think he will win this year for the Wolfman?
