Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Defending religion. Mine and Yours. Pagan and Christian.

The relentless criticism of Christianity, religious faith and the existence of a higher power has gone beyond ridiculous.  It has been suggested that Jesus Christ was a schizophrenic.  That people who have religious faith are small minded and of little intelligence.  Wicca is for angsty teenagers who want to rebel against their parents and idiotic future wannabe senators from Delaware.

I have become so desensitized by the comments that I find it difficult to even want to defend religion anymore.  Difficult maybe but I continue to do so.

While Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic religions do not see eye to eye on many subjects, mainly due to ignorance and intolerance on both sides we have much in common with one another.

Many of my Pagan brothers and sisters greatly admire the story of Jesus Christ and have great respect for his word and teachings.  As Jesus sacrificed himself for redemption, the Pagan God Woden sacrificed himself to himself to gain the knowledge of the Runes by hanging and fasting on the World tree Yggdrasill.  Christ and Woden are both famously mentioned in the "nine herbs charm".  As Woden masters the magic runes of wisdom by hanging on his Cosmic Tree, so Christ creates the magic herbs as He hung on His Tree, the Cross.

We have had our differences certainly.  From the time Charlemagne invaded Saxony and forced baptized my ancestors to the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire beginning with Nero.  Many were slaughtered due to the ignorance of the populace at the time.

Modern times have brought education to the masses.  The idea of Witchcraft as legitimate science (Quantum mind mechanics) is taking a foothold.  Pagans are openly discussing their beliefs without fear of ridicule.  Christians are finding that Pagans want the same things.  To honor their families, tribes and ancestors.  To commune with their deities without fear and be one with the land they live upon.

I would like to see a time where the Christian will defend the Pagans and the Pagan will defend the Christians and put an end to the constant bickering.

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